Introducing the Tracker


The PythonHead Tracker is a system that we created to manage our collection and decided to open it to the public so that other breeders and enthusiasts could use it too. Tired of using spreadsheets or pen and paper? Give it a try, you won't regret it! It is web-based and therefore works on any device, has tons of features and caters to the needs of all types of keepers.




Collection Management

Manage your collection of ball pythons, their genetics, photos, origin, etc. The collection is divided in two sections: active (the animals you currently own) and passive (deceased, sold and previously owned).


Manage your clutches, the number of fertile eggs, infertile, slugs, weight, dates, photos. They are fully integrated with your collection (parents, hatchlings) and everything is hyperlinked!


Keep track of when and what you feed your ball pythons, what their response was, how long they have been fasting, average between meals and other helpful statistics.


Keep track of the weight progression of your ball pythons, what the gain was from the previous weight, biggest gain and period, all plotted on a simple chart that helps you visualize the progression.


Keep track of when your ball pythons shed, how well they do it, how often they do it and anticipate their next sheds with the help of our system that tries to predict when it will happen.

Breeding Plans

Define your breeding plans for each season, which males will go with which females.

Genetic Wizard

Use our customized integration of the world-wide trusted genetic wizard from World of Ball Pythons to quickly view what the outcome of your males and females could be.


Keep track of when your females ovulate.


Keep track of the growth evolution of your females' follicles and visualize it all plotted in a helpful chart.


Keep track of which males locked with which females, see which males are locking the most through a chart, and to help you out planning the next locks, the listing includes when each animal involved was last fed to make sure you don't kill your males by breeding exhaustion.

Random Balls

Like to browse photos of ball pythons? Got some time to kill? Open up the random balls page, which shows you a randomly selected ball python from all the collections in the system and show your all its photos, who owns it, its genes, sex and if it's for sale (and for how much).

QR Tags & Scanner

Print automatically generated QR Code tags for your tubs and scan them with your device's camera to quickly navigate to the corresponding ball python.

Available List

You can mark your ball pythons for sale and define a price. The system will generate a page listing of your available animals for sale that you can browse yourself, share through a public link or even export to PDF, Excel or CSV!

Sale Documents

Generate automatically a sale document for the ball pythons that you sell including the animal information, customer details, price and possible discount and even a public link that your customer can use to view the entire history of the animal. The document can be printed directly from the browser or downloaded as a PDF.

Sales Records

Review your entire sales history, with the possibility of viewing and changing/printing/downloading the corresponding sale document, and a chart with the generated sales.


All your ball pythons for sale will automatically be listed in the market where users can browse all animals for sale, view their entire history and even use an advanced search to find the exact animal they are looking for.

Ownership Transfer

If you sell (or exchange, gift, etc) one of your snakes to a person that happens to have an account in the tracker, you can transfer the entire data related to the animal to that user. The snake will now be listed in their collection, and moved from your active to your passive collection. Additionally, each snake has a history of previous owners so you can properly trace the origins of the snake.


Have a table at a reptile show? Maybe going simply as a visitor? Add to your profile the events that you are attending so people know where to find you.


Most breeders like to work on specific projects. The system gives your the ability to create projects you work on, the steps involved to complete them, and even mark them as secret if you don't want people to know you are working on them.


Need to talk with one of our users? Contact them through their profiles and maintain a correspondence with our internal messaging system that allows you to exchange messages and even send attachments.


The entire system works as a community, you can browse the collections and profiles of every user in the system, including the tracked data for each animal, full transparency!


Some keepers like to track also the excretion of their animals, therefore we have also added a feature to track urine, urates and feces.


Worried about your data? Don't be, our automated backup system dumps the entire database to Amazon S3 three times per day, and this is also where all the photos are stored.


To ensure the protection of our users, we use SSL to encrypt all communications between the web server and the browser!




FREE Really!

  • Active Snakes: 15
  • Projects
  • Contact Users
  • Market Access
  • Support Priority: 3


€4.95 Per month

  • Active Snakes: 50
  • No Ads
  • Projects
  • Contact Users
  • Snake Data Transfers
  • Market Access
  • Market Advanced Search
  • Support Priority: 2


€14.95 Per month

  • Active Snakes: Unlimited
  • No Ads
  • Projects
  • Contact Users
  • Snake Data Transfers
  • Market Access
  • Market Advanced Search
  • QR Codes
  • Support Priority: 1

What are Active Snakes?

Each type of account (except Enterprise) has a limit of active snakes that you can have in your collection. This means that once the limit has been reached, you can no longer add new snakes. Here's what the system DOESN'T consider an Active Snake:

  • Snake marked as deceased.
  • Snake marked as sold.
  • Snake transfered.
Think of it as the limited space you have in your snake room, once you sell an animal or sadly one passes away, an empty tub is available. The difference is that in the tracker all those snakes are moved to your passive collection, meaning that you still keep all their records and photos.